Marketing Disruptions with Internet of Things


Imagine you are walking into a Target store.

You start your browsing around the store.

You walk over to the electronics section where your heart lives.

You scan the LED TVs and iPad Pro. Nothing too interesting there. Still, you pull out your smartphone and start taking quick pictures.

Then you come to FitBit. Now we're check out the different models. Good stuff, but nothing's on sale, need to come back.

As you are ready to take a picture of the sleek and black FitBit Surge before leaving, there goes the chime on your smartphone. Read more

Recap: Agile Marketing and Next-Generation Go-To-Market Methods


The evening started with a bit of excitement as the NorCal BMA team needed to demonstrate its agility in adapting to a last minute emergency in changing the venue for the talk.

Due to the availability of effective tools like email and social media, concerted effort in proper utilization of these channels by the team, and audience responsive to these channels of communication, the change went through flawlessly. The whole move was precipitated just a day prior to the meeting!

The panel of speakers, Adrian Ott, Sheryl Root, and Dave Lloyd, meshed their segments seamlessly and engaged the audience in a logical flow of exposure to Agile Marketing. They had presented this topic as a panel before and it showed. Read more

Agile Marketing and Next-Generation Go-To-Market Methods


A panel of experts-Adrian Ott, Dave Lloyd, and Sheryl Root-will address NorCal BMA audience on April 14 to discuss the nuances of next-generation Go-To-Market methods with a focus on Agile Marketing.

"Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature's inexorable imperative," said H. G. Wells.

Wells's wisdom from over 60 years ago is no less relevant to marketers of today than any other walk of life.

In a recent survey, Read more