
About Us

The Northern California Chapter of ANA Business Marketing was first established in San Francisco in 1938.

  • The people who make up our organization are marketing professionals who do the big jobs, who define business goals, direct business strategy.
  • They are idea people, visionaries and leaders, strategists and implementers.
  • They serve as VPs, managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals who stand out in any professional crowd.

NorCal BMA George C. McNutt Scholarship Fund

George C. McNutt

Open to Qualified Students at Select Northern California Universities: Cal Berkeley, Notre Dame de Namur, and SJSU

The ANA Business Marketing of Northern California (formerly NORCAL BMA) on behalf of the George C. McNutt Scholarship Fund invites students to apply for two scholarships that will be awarded to students with a declared major in marketing, advertising, communications or a related discipline.