Monday, July 25, 2016
from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Savvy Cellar Wine Bar & Wine Shop
750 W Evelyn Ave
Mountain View, CA
Steps to Mountain View Caltrain Station with parking nearby
$20 BMA/ANA Members
$30 Non-members
Includes one drink ticket and appetizers
Join us Monday, July 25th, for an Interactive Marketing Roundtable Happy Hour Event with Randall Hull, Chief Creative Officer, The Br@nd Ranch
Brand matters in B2B. Two of the top 10 brands from Forbes’ World’s Most Valuable Brands are B2B companies. Yet, market dynamics and social media have changed the way brands are built.
We will explore how data can be brought to life, value built, and connections made in the process of developing distinctive B2B brands.
Come join Randall Hull for an engaging discussion and learn:
• How small data is a great tool for insights
• The role of storytelling in B2B brands
• Brand assets often overlooked
*Registration includes one drink ticket, drinks to be served by a certified sommelier, and appetizers. Savvy Cellars extends a 15% BMA discount to attendees on all "to go" bottles, featuring a diverse selection of fine wines from around the world.
Bonus #1
Each attendee at the event will get their own copy of the book titled 101Cliches: B2B's most nototious creative faux pas, a brilliant and engaging expose on the safe path traveled by marketers in coming up steinias-logowith creative ideas. This is the brainchild of Reuben Webb, Creative Director at Stein IAS, in his search for creative excellence. This book comes to you with compliments from Stein IAS, our sponsor to support us.
Bonus #2
Take a crack at your chances of winning an Apple Watch, to be raffled off among the attendees, offered courtesy of True Influence, one of our esteemed sponsors.
Speaker: Randall Hull is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of The Br@nd Ranch. Randall will share insights and ideas gained from over three decades in advertising and marketing as well as engage us in discussions on B2B branding tips and tricks. As the Chief Creative Officer at The Br@nd Ranch for over 20 years, Randall has developed consistent, compelling messages to target markets, strengthening and growing the brand. In addition, Randall has been creative director or art director at a number of other companies like LVL Communications, 3Com, Apple, Supermac, and Renquist Associates. More recently, Randall has been Consulting Creative Director/Brand Manager for MoCA, Multimedia over Coax Alliance. Randall's credentials include a degree in commercial design. Check out Randall's experience and accomplishments on his LinkedIn profile. You can also connect with him on a number of other social media channels: LinkedIn Google+ Twitter Facebook Behance Pinterest
We listened to your feedback!
Our new Roundtable Series includes:
• Happy Hour Setting
• Discussions around Trending Topics in B2B Marketing/Marketing Strategies Workshops
• Close to the freeway/Near public transportation/easy parking
• Convenient, Mountain View venue - to start
Randall Hull is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of The Br@nd Ranch.
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