Marketing professionals have many internal stakeholders, such as Product Management, Engineering and Sales, each involved in moving ideas forward and all vying for resources and executive attention. How can you be sure your key partners recognize the value of and pay attention to your great ideas? Hone your ability to influence! Influencing is a critical skill all marketing professionals need for success, and is the most requested topic we work on with leaders. Those who successfully go from idea-to-innovation understand:
- What executive presence is needed to sell their idea to peers and upper management
- How to influence internal colleagues to support and "green light" your idea
- How to deal with resistance to a great idea
In this discussion, Sue will share real work examples from her work as an executive coach. You'll leave the session with tips on how best put influencing skills into action to get the resources and buy-in you need to move from idea-to-innovation.
Since 1996, Mariposa Leadership has been a respected first mover in coaching leaders in high-tech and other demanding industries. In her 20 years coaching senior executives in Silicon Valley, Sue Bethanis, CEO/Founder, has had an up-close and ethnographic view of the issues leaders face every day, including the constant pressure to innovate and solve seemingly intractable problems. She speaks often, most recently for PDMA's 2013 Product Innovation Management conference, 2013 Products are Hard conference, HR West 2014, among others.