Thursday, September 8, 2016
from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (PST)
Microsoft Sunnyvale
1020 Enterprise Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
B-to-B audiences increasingly depend on Web experiences to support their purchasing research and post-sale customer experiences. Unfortunately, too many b-to-b organizations are failing to deliver content or context that satisfies audience expectations and drives business impact.
Come, join us for this presentation on how to transform your b-to-b Website into a modern, audience-centric, content-fueled home base for your company’s digital presence. We’ll look at different approaches to digital to inform your web content strategy, and share best practices for developing content that align with your digital type and goals.
About Phyllis Davidson
An experienced Silicon Valley B2B marketer, Phyllis Davidson, SiriusDecisions Research Director in the Strategic Communications Management service, has worked across multiple marketing disciplines in both large and small technology companies as well as at PR and advertising agencies and as a consultant. With storytelling as her core skill, she has built and executed global thought leadership and campaigns programs for both brand building and demand generation, executive and merger and acquisition (M&A) communications, and content strategy and architecture. Phyllis works with clients on content and communications innovation as well as process and program strategy and development.