Thursday, May 12, 2016
from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (PST)
Microsoft Sunnyvale
1020 Enterprise Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Internet of Things (IoT) is calling Marketers for leadership to shape the growing IoT Ecosystem. IoT is disrupting industries with a predicted 50 Billion connected devices and $16 trlllion value by 2020. IoT connects all things on us and around us to the Internet creating a world of connected customers. How is this influencing the customer journey? Where is IoT creating business value along the customer funnel? What is the role of marketing in IoT and how are marketing jobs shifting with it?
Come listen to Sudha Jamthe, a thought leader in Digital Transformation and IoT space about how Internet of Things is disrupting marketing with always on connected customers and sharing data from many sensors informing about customer intents. Hear about industries impacted and where are the new opportunities as IoT combines with AI in Ad:Tech, Technology, Retail and many more industries.
Sudha Jamthe will give away a signed copy of her book The Internet of Things Business Primer to one lucky winner at this event.
Sudha Jamthe is a globally recognized entrepreneurial mobile product leader with 20+ years experience building Consumer Mobile and eCommerce Products. Sudha loves shaping new technology ecosystems and helping businesses drive Digital Business Transformations.
She is the author of two IoT books, IoT Disruptions and The Internet of Things Business Primer and teaches the first IoT Business course at Stanford Continuing Ed School. Sudha is a champion for STEM programs and Girls Who Code and hosts mentor programs for kids at Devcamps and Hackathons.
She has been a venture mentor at MIT and Director at Bay Area Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ Meetups. She also actively contributes to TechCrunch, Mashable, GigaOm and Venturebeat as a respected technology futurist. She is an advisor for Blockchain University and Barcelona Technology School. She can be reached at @sujamthe or at http://www.iotdisruptions.com.