BMA Norcal Successes 2015-2016


2015 – 2016

Fastest Growing BMA Chapter

BMA NorCal Event Registrations

Total 873 event registrations

87 active members (33.85% increase since January 2016)

Record 94 registrations for February event

Chris Blohm

“I remember the first time I attended a NorCal BMA event. There were maybe 25 people in the room. Now we routinely have 70-80 people in the room…” —Chris Blohm, VP of Membership


Happy Hour Roundtables

Survey-based new time and location loved by members – 3 initial events sold out!

BMA NorCal Roundtables

Tanya Salah“Number one choice was clear, Happy Hour events! People like to network and enjoy a beverage with like-minded peers” —Tanya Salah, Director of Roundtables


BMA NorCal Website• 10 buzz posts (8 monthly events and 2 roundtable articles)
• 6 recap posts; Periodic Chapter News blog posts
• Video recording of select monthly events – starting March
• Monthly newsletter started April (open rate around 8.5%)

Social Media

BMA NorCal social media• 10 new Twitter followers average per month
• Top tweet by Linda Popky generated 709 impressions for her session
• Influencers following NorcalBMA:
o Sudha Jamthe (IoT Stanford Instructor)
o Dave Lloyd (agile marketing)
o Content Marketing Institute



Excellent financial position


BMA NorCal Sponsors


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