How to Get Returns of 5, 10, or Even 1000 Times Your Marketing Dollars: A Data Scientist’s View
It's a marketer's dream to conceive a blockbuster marketing campaign that blasts sales through the roof.
But how do you get there from the initial duds?
By diligently gathering data during all your campaigns, and then extracting and analyzing this data to obtain nuggets of information to guide future campaigns, says a veteran data scientist.
Grover Righter, Founder of Lever 10, a science-based marketing services company, will speak at the next Norcal BMA meeting on June 24 on this very topic. He'll show us how science-based marketing achieves greater results.
At the core, your interest is simply in what you get for your marketing efforts. Guy Powell formalized this concept a dozen years ago with the term Return On Marketing Investment (ROMI). The formula shown here captures it mathematically and Grover will elaborate on it in his talk.
While the formula is fairly simple, applying it to a real situation is a different story. With all the hype around marketing automation, we collect much more data these days. "Excluding video, we are doubling the total amount of information on this planet every 18 months - sort of a Moore's Law of Data," says Grover, noting similarity to the Moore's Law of semiconductor technology.
Big Data is real.
Grover's talk will cover how to extract information from Big Data:
We are doubling the total amount of information on this planet every 18 months
- Where to get data
- How we get data out
- How we normalize it
- How to analyze the data
How to present the results that the analysis generates is also very important. For a mathematician, a picture shown on the left speaks volumes. A marketing executive would appreciate a vastly different approach to presentation. A champagne chart shown on the right is a natural choice. Data Visualization is a crucial part of Big Data analysis. Grover will cover this as well.
You have the opportunity to learn from Grover, an in-the-trench practitioner who has built a team of applied mathematicians from around the world to provide science-based marketing services to companies on this planet. Sign up to reserve your spot.
Grover will go through some case studies to illustrate different aspects of data science.
- You'll hear about Marketo, SalesForce, Act-On, and SugarCRM.
- You'll hear about how free software like Octave and R help data scientists migrate away from expensive solutions like MATLAB.
- You'll learn about the evolution of data science to dynamic predictive model.
As always, questions from the audience will make the session more valuable. For example, you might ask about situations where data science excels and where it flounders.
Mark your calendar and don't miss this talk on the state-of-the-art in marketing science! Come prepared with your own burning questions.
Return On Marketing Investment
Using A Data Science Approach
by Grover Righter
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT)
Microsoft Sunnyvale
1020 Enterprise Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Grover Righter is a Data Scientist.
A mathematician at heart, Grover's passion is to harness mathematical models to drive marketing success in organizations large and small.
Grover is an expert in science-based analytics, big data science and marketing programs for B2B companies. Recent customers include VMware, MapR, Standard & Poors, A10 Networks and more.
Grover has a Bachelors degree from Brigham Young University in Computer Engineering with a minor in Classical Studies. A software engineer early in his career, he made the switch to marketing, but is devoted to using applied mathematics and related automation to benefit marketing results at corporations large and small.
He uses massive data sources stored in Hadoop, Mongo, Lucene, Postgres, Oracle and others. And, like most data scientists, Grover spends 75% of his time pulling and normalizing data.