Marketing Disruptions with Internet of Things
Imagine you are walking into a Target store.
You start your browsing around the store.
You walk over to the electronics section where your heart lives.
You scan the LED TVs and iPad Pro. Nothing too interesting there. Still, you pull out your smartphone and start taking quick pictures.
Then you come to FitBit. Now we're check out the different models. Good stuff, but nothing's on sale, need to come back.
As you are ready to take a picture of the sleek and black FitBit Surge before leaving, there goes the chime on your smartphone.
Out pops an online coupon, right on your phone, in bright red and white graphic, good for an instant $50 off on the very item you are staring at! The catch: this coupon is only good for the next hour.
You know you have been eyeing this for a while now. With the 90-day return policy at the store, how can you pass up this deal?
A scene from a science fiction movie? Hardly. This is closer to reality than you may think.
Target has been running a pilot program in a handful of their stores to monitor customer behavior using beacons.
This type of promotion is just a step away from what happens in one of those stores!
Creepy? Can be, if this happens indiscriminately.
But if the merchant folds this into an opt-in paradigm, then this would be more of a welcome service!
The IoT Landscape
This is the kind of custom engagement customers can get used to in the coming years with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
Sudha Jamthe, a thought leader in Digital Transformation and IoT space will address NorCal BMA audience on how Internet of Things is disrupting marketing with always-on connected customers and sharing data from many sensors with information about customer intents.
Technologists have been making strides with connecting devices to the Internet. Just look at what technology can do with wearables - devices that can record and transmit data about the person being monitored.
Of course, creation of customer data at fine granularity is not limited to wearables. Can you imagine how much data all these devices will generate? Big Data as we know it today will pale in comparison.
Marketers are just beginning to grasp the power of this new wave of technological advancement to influence the customer journey.
IoT's potential is mind-boggling: By 2020, there will be a predicted 50 BILLION connected devices with a value of a whopping $16 TRILLION!
Marketers must understand the type of disruptions IoT can wreak and be prepared to not only face it, but embrace it!
When harnessed properly, IoT can lead to raving customer satisfaction and enhanced profitability for companies. It is up to the marketers to shape this growing ecosystem.
What You Get
Sudha will cover the following topics in her talk:
- What is IoT?
- Why must we pay attention to IoT?
- IoT Application Spectrum - its reach in society
- IoT marketing touchpoints
- Future of IoT - Where to Focus?
Role of marketing leadership in IoT
Wait, There's More...
One of the attendees at the talk will be the lucky winner of Sudha's book The Internet of Things Business Primer. Must be present to win this signed copy!
Make sure to save the date, May 12, and register to attend the talk before the seats are all taken!
Marketing Disruptions with Internet of Things
by Sudha Jamthe
Thursday, May 12, 2016 from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (PST)
Microsoft Sunnyvale
1020 Enterprise Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Sudha Jamthe, CEO of IoT Disruptions, is an author of books on IoT and teaches a course at Stanford University on building a successful business with Internet of Things.
Sudha is a globally recognized entrepreneurial mobile product leader with 20+ years experience building Consumer Mobile and eCommerce Products. Sudha loves shaping new technology ecosystems and helping businesses drive Digital Business Transformations.
She is the author of two IoT books, IoT Disruptions and The Internet of Things Business Primer and teaches the first IoT Business course at Stanford Continuing Ed School. Sudha is a champion for STEM programs and Girls Who Code and hosts mentor programs for kids at Devcamps and Hackathons.
She has been a venture mentor at MIT and Director at Bay Area Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ Meetups. She also actively contributes to TechCrunch, Mashable, GigaOm and Venturebeat as a respected technology futurist. She is an advisor for Blockchain University and Barcelona Technology School.
Sudha can be reached at @sujamthe on Twitter or through her website.