Recap: Roundtable: Becoming a better B2B brand
After a casual thirty minutes of networking with peers over seasonally selected wines including Cava and Rose, and artisan appetizers, Randall Hull led an interactive discussion around "Becoming a Better B2B Brand". The group learned about the value of brand for B2B and talked about some of their favorite brands and why we're drawn to them. For example, Uber and Apple were unanimous crowd favorites. Apparently, businesses do not make buying decisions, rather people do. In fact, research shows that buyers see B2B brands as people, just like they see B2C brands.
Members have access to the slide deck for this roundtable. If you are interested in membership, please check into the details here.
This was the first Roundtable where we had giveaways for all attendees!
* Everyone who attended received a copy of the book titled 101Cliches: B2B's most notorious creative faux pas, a brilliant and engaging expose on the safe path traveled by marketers in coming up with creative ideas, written by Reuben Webb, Creative Director at Stein IAS, in his search for creative excellence. This book came with compliments from Stein IAS.
* In addition, one very lucky attendee, Associate Partner at Prophet, Jonathan Redman, won an Apple Sport Watch, compliments of True Influence, which he says he will give to his wife. As the saying goes, "A happy wife is a happy life".
The event itself was highly attended in fact making this the 4th sold out Roundtable event in a row, a sold out program series thus far overall.
Attendees seemed to really enjoy the 30 minutes after the session for additional networking among fellow marketers and with the speaker, and now with a fresh, common theme to talk about.
[I wish to acknowledge that the write-up came from Tanya Salah and represents her first-hand account of the evening's proceedings. Likewise, the photos in the slideshow have been provided by Kirsti Scott. Thank you, Tanya and Kirsti. - Venkat]
Randall Hull is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of The Br@nd Ranch.
Randall will share insights and ideas gained from over three decades in advertising and marketing as well as engage us in discussions on B2B branding tips and tricks.
As the Chief Creative Officer at The Br@nd Ranch for over 20 years, Randall has developed consistent, compelling messages to target markets, strengthening and growing the brand.
In addition, Randall has been creative director or art director at a number of other companies like LVL Communications, 3Com, Apple, Supermac, and Renquist Associates.
More recently, Randall has been Consulting Creative Director/Brand Manager for MoCA, Multimedia over Coax Alliance.
Randall's credentials include a degree in commercial design.
Check out Randall's experience and accomplishments on his LinkedIn profile. You can also connect with him on a number of other social media channels: Google+ Twitter Facebook Behance Pinterest.