Closed-Loop Customer Discovery: Where Demand Gen, Research and Thought Leadership Converge
Closed-Loop Customer Discovery:
Where Demand Gen, Research and Thought Leadership Converge
Adrian Ott, Exponential Edge
Ryan Goodman, Centigon Solutions
Detati Digital Marketing
265 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 register
Major companies in Silicon Valley such as Symantec and SAP have been applying the concepts of Closed-Loop Customer Discovery (CLCD) to build funnels, conduct market research for products, and uncover new trends.
Learn how these companies generated executive engagement and how it has fundamentally benefited their business processes.
In this panel event, you will learn:
- What is a Closed-Loop Customer Discovery Center?
- What are the maturity levels?
- What are the key steps and best practices to building an effective system?
- How major Silicon Valley companies such as Symantec and SAP have applied CLCD concepts to their business.
- How small to medium businesses could apply CLCD to their business
Make sure to save the date, October 11, and register to attend the talk.
Closed-Loop Customer Discovery: Where Demand Gen, Research and Thought Leadership Converge
by Adrian Ott and Ryan Goodman
Thursday, October 11, 2018 from 5:30 PM to 7:45 PM (PDT)
Detati Digital Marketing
265 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Adrian Ott is an award-winning author and CEO of Exponential Edge, Inc.
Adrian was called, “One of Silicon Valley’s most respected (if not the most respected) strategists” by Consulting Magazine. She coined the term “Closed-Loop Customer Discovery” after she and her team assisted several large Silicon Valley companies to ideate and build out these programs and wrote about it in her 2011 best-selling book The 24-Hour Customer.
Ryan Goodman is founder of Goodman Group, LLC, and Chairman of Centigon Solutions, Inc.
Ryan is an enterprise dashboard and analytics expert and entrepreneur who has applied over 15 years of experience designing enterprise software solutions. He provided technical project management expertise and leadership in implementing Customer Discovery concepts and enterprise analytics dashboards at SAP and other firms. His firm partners with Exponential Edge to provide Closed-Loop Customer Discovery solutions combining technical Customer Discovery portal implementation with Exponential Edge’s expertise in Customer Discovery Center research design and enterprise process transformation. In 2008, Ryan founded Centigon Solutions as a top enterprise dashboard consultant, global speaker, and author. During that time he grew Centigon Solutions software business to 700+ customers globally. Ryan remains chairman of Centigon Solutions Inc, and founded Goodman Group in 2017 as a customer and partner co-innovation lab.
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Adrian Ott and Ryan Goodman on
Closed-Loop Customer Discovery: Where Demand Gen, Research and Thought Leadership Converge
October 11, 2018, 5:30-7:45 PM
Detati Digital Marketing
265 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087